Emergency Preparedness Policy


Rohde & Liesenfeld  is committed in providing a safe and healthy environment for all their employees, like any other company, is potentially subject to natural or manmade emergencies. Rohde & Liesenfeld  has an emergency response plan (ERP) which provides the framework to ensure that they are prepared to deal with such events.

Effective response to an emergency requires good communication, effective notification procedures, proper equipment, written procedures and trained personnel to carry them out.  Meeting these requirements on a long-term basis requires emergency response management (ERM) planning that maintains these elements at peak efficiency. ERMP describes the roles and responsibilities of their employees and resources available to assist in case of an emergency.

ERPs will be site specific and will be developed according to any possible emergencies identified in the worksite hazard assessment.  The ERP will be continually changing if necessary with the worksite.  The supervisor of each site will develop their ERP with the assistance of the workers and H&S Coordinator.  ERPs will be located in every vehicle on the driver’s side sun visor.  At some jobsRohde & Liesenfeld  will be required to follow their clients ERP.  When this is not the case Rohde & Liesenfeld. will provide the ERP.  All workers on the worksite, including subcontractors, visitors etc., will be trained with the site specific ERP and their roles and responsibilities in case of an emergency.  Roles of employees will be dependent upon the emergency and the training of each employee.

ERP plans will include:

  • legal land description of the jobsite
  • directions to the jobsite from the nearest town
  • the estimated time to travel to the jobsite from the nearest town
  • Contract numbers for:
    • emergency response available to the area
    • supervisors
    • main office
    • site safety representatives
    • electric & gas companies
    • subcontractors numbers
    • clients main number
    • clients job supervisors number
    • main office of contractors working near your site

In the case of an emergency everyone will meet at the pre-established muster station, where the supervisor will take attendance to ensure everyone is accounted for. At this time the supervisor will delegate jobs to the employees (eg. someone may meet emergency services on the road to lead them to the jobsite).  Employee training, ability and equipment on hand will dictate what action(s) will be taken.  In some cases all you can do is warn, evacuate, and protect any people in the area until appropriate resources arrive. Rohde & Liesenfeld will never expect anyone to respond to any emergency beyond their level of training or physical ability.

Rohde & Liesenfeld  will:

  • Provide a current ERP for every worksite.
  • Orientate workers on ERP prior to starting work and every time there are changes made to the ERP.
  • Meet or exceed the standards of basic level of onsite rescue capabilities
  • Conduct ER drills annually, at a minimum, to test effectiveness and identify any problems with the ERP and adjust if necessary.
  • Ensure works are trained and know their roles in case of an emergency.
  • Provide a communication system at each job site.
  • Ensure that all workers have their first aid training prior to the start of work.
  • Contact local emergency response agencies to ensure roles and responsibilities are clearly defined (eg. can the fire department do a confined space rescue etc.).
  • Test communication means (two way radios, cell phones- where they work at and the dead areas etc.) prior to the start of work to ensure that there is communication to everyone on the job site and to emergency response agencies.
  • Follow up on all emergency situations with an incident investigation to find the root cause, using Incident Investigation Report Form (form 5) and the Post Emergency Response Report Form (form 10).
Roles and Responsibilities


  • Ensure that ERPs are being developed for each jobsite.
  • Will consult legal counsel in case of a work fatality.

Operations Manager

  • Will make sure workers have required first aid before starting work.


  • Create the ERP specific to their jobsite; will request help from the H&S coordinator if needed.
  • Orientate workers on ERP prior to commencing the first day of work.
  • Test communication means.
  • Update ERP as job hazards change, if needed.
  • Inform workers of any changes to the ERP.
  • Make sure staging area is clear for access for emergency personnel.
  • Will take control and manage site activity in case of an emergency situation once notified.
  • Will assess the situation and will not put anyone at risk when delegating roles.
  • Take role call when everyone meets at muster point, if someone is not accounted for, coordinate rescue plan.
  • Will delegate roles to workers during an emergency situation.
  • Will make incident and site specific notifications.
  • Will contact emergency personnel if needed or delegate a worker to do so.
  • Provides all necessary support to security personnel working at emergency.
  • Determines the need for and dispatches personnel, equipment and material (eg. a worker to operate a cat to contain a fire).
  • Will be designated person to talk to media.
  • Fills out ER form to indicate events of emergency.
  • Attend debriefing.
  • In case of a fatality, request police to advise when they will be visiting the family to make notification, so that you can also attend to provide support to the family.

Health & Safety Coordinator

  • Keep all documentation of first aid training for employees and notify them when it is about to expire.
  • Make sure first aide requirements are met for each job site.
  • Train workers in TDG.
  • Review ERP policy annually and update when necessary.
  • Assist supervisor in creating ERP for jobsites, when required.
  • Create an ERP for office.
  • Keep documentation on all emergencies, including drills.
  • Assist in filling out ER forms.
  • Attend debriefing.
  • Notify proper authorities in the required time frame (eg. OH&S, WCB etc.).
  • Set up services


  • Will participate in all ERP training and ER drills.
  • Assist in creating site specific ERP when asked.
  • Assist in emergency situations.
  • Know roles in emergencies situations.
  • Have first aid training prior to starting work.
  • Report all emergency situations to your supervisor immediately.
  • First responder will take control of the emergency until the supervisor relieves him/her.
  • Will help out anyone in need during an emergency situation, when safe to do so.
  • Participate in filling out ER forms if required.
  • Attend debriefing.
  • Will not talk to media about emergency situation.

*The information in this policy does not take precedence over applicable government legislation with which all workers should be familiar.


Emergency - is an urgent or critical situation that threatens or causes harm to people, or environment.
Preparedness - is the development and implementation of emergency policies, procedures and plans to ensure effective response to the impact of hazards.
Response - is the measure and action taken to repair and restore operations after an emergency.
Mitigation - A sustained action to reduce or eliminate the long term impacts and risks associated with a natural or human induced emergency.
Emergency Management - Systems and processes for mitigating, preparing for and responding to and recovering from emergencies and disasters.
Emergency Response Plan (ERP) - is a plan of action for the efficient deployment and coordination of services, agencies and personnel to provide the earliest possible response to an emergency.
Emergency Preparedness - having plans in place for emergencies that may occur. Ensuring your organization has the resources to deal with emergency situations at the workplace.

First Aid

Prior to be allowed to work on a jobsite for Rohde & Liesenfeld employees must be certified in either:

  • Emergency first aid
  • Standard first aid, or
  • Advanced first aid

This ensures that the number of qualified, trained first aid providers at the work site will exceed the minimum requirements set out in tables 5, 6 or 7 in Schedule 2 or the OH&S Code.

Providing Services, Supplies, Equipment
Rohde & Liesenfeld ensures that first aid services, supplies and equipment are readily available and accessible to all workers.

First aid services, equipment, and supplies will be located at or near the worksite and available and accessible during all working hours.  All company trucks will be equipped with first aid kits.  All first aid equipment requirements will comply with tables 5, 6 or 7 in Schedule 2 of  OH&S Code.

Storage and maintenance of first aid supplies and equipment shall meet the requirements of the above code.  First aid equipment and supplies shall be:

  • Maintained in a clean, dry and serviceable condition
  • Contained in a material that protects the contents from the environment, and
  • Clearly identified as first aid equipment and supplies.

To ensure all workers know the location of first aid services, equipment and supplies, a series of signs shall be posted in conspicuous places at the worksite.  When the use of signs is not practicable Rohde & Liesenfeld. shall ensure that each worker knows the location of first aid services, equipment and supplies.

Emergency Transportation
Before any workers are sent to a work site, Rohde & Liesenfeld. ensures that arrangements for emergency transportation shall be in place to transport injured or ill workers from the work site to the nearest health care facility.

Duty to Report Injury or Illness
All injuries or illnesses shall be reported immediately or as soon as practical to the job supervisor.

First Aid Records
All work related injuries and illnesses shall be recorded as soon as practicable after the injury or illness and retained for three years form the date the incident occurs.  Records will be kept at Rohde & Liesenfeld  office.

Emergency Response Planning for Construction Projects

The OH&S Act requires that the contractor establish an Emergency Response Procedure for every project. This chapter provides a plan to assist constructors in developing these procedures.

Emergency preparedness helps to minimize the human suffering and economic losses that can result from emergencies.  Pre planning serves, as an opportunity to identify and eliminate the element of surprise should an emergency response be necessary, which in turn results in a much more efficient response.

It should be understood that the size and complexity of projects, as well as their access and location, have a bearing on the degree of planning necessary for emergencies. This is why supervisors, workers and H&S Coordinator will develop the ERP together.

How to Develop a Plan
Planning must begin before any work commences on the project. Although there may be little time between the award of the contract and the start of the project, a good emergency response plan can be generic and, with some minor changes, can be easily adapted to specific sites and readily implemented. This is especially the case where a contractor specializes in similar types of projects.  Development should include the following considerations:

Hazard Identification/Assessment
The process of hazard identification and assessment involves a thorough review that should include, but not be limited to, the following points:

  1. Transportation, materials, handling, hoisting, equipment or product installation, temporary structures, material
  2. Environmental concerns.
  3. Consultation with the client regarding potential hazards when working in or adjacent to operating facilities.
  4. Resources such as material safety data sheets (MSDSs) to determine potential hazards from on-site materials.
  5. Proximity to traffic and public ways.

Because construction sites are frequently fast changing, the process of hazard assessment must be ongoing to accommodate the dynamic environment.  Once hazards are identified, the next task is to assess the potential or risk involved in each.

For each hazard identified, ask:

  • What can go wrong?
  • What are the consequences?

For each potential hazard it is important to identify resources necessary for an appropriate emergency response. For most events in construction, a simple analysis based on the experience of the people involved on the project is likely sufficient.

Emergency Resources
It is important to identify which resources are available and have contingency plans in place to make up for any deficiencies.

Employee training, ability and equipment on hand will also determine what action you take.  Sometimes all you can do is warn, evacuate, and protect people in the area until the appropriate resources arrive.

The most important resource on most projects will be a 911 system. It is essential to verify that 911 is in effect in the area. Most communities have a 911 system in place, but it is important to know the facilities or limitations available in that location. Is a high- reach rescue team available? What is the response time? What must site personnel do in the meantime?

Other on-site resources such as fire extinguishers, spill containment equipment, and first aid kits must be maintained and clearly identified. Construction equipment maybe included among potential emergency resources. Personnel, especially on-site medical staff or workers trained in first aid, should be included in the plan.

There may be situations where outside resources are so far away that an adequate response is not possible. In these situations, resources may have to be obtained and kept on site. Examples would include fire protection or ambulance/medical resources in remote areas.

Whatever the situation may be, people, equipment, facilities, and materials are needed for emergency response. Where they will come from must be determined in advance. Moreover, the people supplying these resources must be made aware of their role in the plan.

Communication Systems
An important key to effective emergency response is a communications system that can relay accurate information quickly. To do this, reliable communications equipment must be used, procedures developed, and personnel trained.  It is a good idea to have a backup system in place, in case the system is rendered useless by the emergency. For example, telephone lines may be cut.

The type and location of emergency communication systems must be posted on the project. This will include location of telephones, a list of site personnel with cellular phones or two-way radios, and any other equipment available. Emergency phone numbers and the site address/location should be posted beside all site phones.

A communication system must be made up of strategically placed  equipment  and properly defined responsibilities. The emergency response plan posted in a conspicuous place on the project must identify the designated equipment and the people to operate it.

Administration of the Plan
The task of administering and organizing the plan is vital to its effectiveness. The person who has this task will normally be the person in charge of the emergency response operation – the supervisor at the job sites.

It is their task to ensure:

  • That everyone clearly understands their roles and responsibilities within the emergency response plan (a chart may be helpful in this regard).
  • That emergency resources, whether people or equipment, are kept at adequate levels in step with the progress of the project.

It is very important to review the emergency plan on a regular basis, at minimum once a week (during toolbox meetings) with workers and especially after an emergency has occurred. Changes may be necessary where deficiencies became apparent as the plan went into operation.

Emergency Response Procedure
An emergency can be reported from any source—a worker on site, an outside agency, or the public. Remember that circumstances may change during the course of an emergency.  Any procedures you develop must be able to respond to the ongoing situation.

The following list covers basic actions to take in an emergency. These steps apply to almost any emergency and should be followed in sequence.

  • Stay calm - Your example can influence others and thereby aid the emergency response.
  • Assess the situation - Determine what happened and what the emergency is.  Look at the big picture.  What has happened to whom and what will continue to happen if no action is taken? Try to identify the cause that must be controlled to eliminate immediate, ongoing, or further danger.
  • Take Command - The most senior person on the scene should take charge and:
    • Delegate someone to be the call person.  The call person will call the emergency services - generally 911- and explain the situation.  Once done talking to emergency personnel, they will contact Rohde & Liesenfeld main office and inform the operations manager of the situation.  The call person will than contact the clients designated person to inform them of the situation.
    • Assign tasks for controlling the emergency. This action also helps to maintain order and prevent panic. In the contact Rohde & Liesenfeld Office it will be the office manager and on the job sites it will be the immediate supervisor.
  • Provide Protection – Eliminate further losses and safeguard the area. Control the energy source causing the emergency. Protect victims, equipment, materials, environment, and accident scene from continuing damage or further hazards.  Divert traffic, suppress fire, prevent objects from falling, shut down equipment or utilities, and take other necessary measures.  Preserve the accident scene, only disturb what is essential to maintain life or relieve human suffering and prevent immediate or further losses.
  • Aid and manage - Provide first aid or help those already doing so.    Manage personnel at the scene. Organize the workforce for both a headcount and emergency assignments. Direct all workers to the muster point.  This makes it easier to identify the missing, control panic, and assign emergency duties and dispatch personnel to guide emergency services on arrival.
  • Maintain Contacts - Keep emergency services informed of situation. Contact utilities such as gas and hydro where required. Alert management and keep them informed. Exercise increasing control over the emergency until immediate hazards are controlled or eliminated and causes can be identified.
  • Guide emergency services - Meet services on site. Lead them to emergency scene. Explain ongoing and potential hazards and cause(s), if known.

Communication of the Procedure
To be effective, an Emergency Response Procedure must be clearly communicated to all site personnel. The following activities should be considered:

  • Review the procedure with new site subcontractors and new workers to ensure that it covers their activities adequately.
  • Review the procedure with suppliers to ensure that it covers any hazards that the storage or delivery of their materials might create.
  • Review new work areas in operating plants with owner/client to ensure that new hazards are identified and covered in the procedure.

The Emergency Response Procedure for a construction project must continually undergo review and revision to meet changing conditions.

Debriefing and Post-Traumatic Stress Procedure
The recovery process, or what happens after the emergency response has been completed, is a critical step in the plan.

Many emergency tasks may be handled by people who are not accustomed to dealing with emergencies. People may have seen their work partners and friends badly injured and suffering great pain.

Once the emergency is over, the attitude should not be ―Okay, let’s get back to work or let’s go home.  Some of the people involved may need assistance in order to recover. In some cases professional counseling may be needed. As part of site emergency planning, construction companies should have measures in place to deal with post-traumatic stress. Local hospitals, ambulance services, and medical practitioners may also be able to help.

Debriefing is necessary to review how well the plan worked in the emergency and to correct any deficiencies that were identified.  Debriefing shall occur within 48 hours of returning to the worksite.  The debriefing will occur by the H&S Coordinator and shall be attended by all affected supervisors, upper management, affected workers and any emergency response individuals. All participants shall come to the debriefing session prepared to discuss

  • Problems encountered and possible solutions.
  • Suggestions for improvements.
  • Positive comments.
  • Questions and concerns.
  • Debriefing is critical to the success of future emergency response planning.

Slow response, lack of resources, or the absence of trained personnel will lead to chaos in an emergency. To minimize human suffering and financial losses, all workers must know their responsibilities in the event of an emergency. 


Finding someone (or several people) injured in an accident can be very overwhelming; one must act calm and stay focused on providing the best possible care.

The following steps are intended to provide that organized approach.

  1. Recognize the Problem
    • Always be alert to the environment around you, and where your fellow workers are.
    • It is important to be able to recognize early when a situation exists where emergency medical aid is required.
  2. Evaluate the Hazards
    • It is most important that you take the time to ensure that you and others responding with you do not become victims.
    • Identify, evaluate, and to your level of competence, eliminate any hazards that threaten your ability to help.
    • Shut down any exposed power sources, extinguish any fires, and stabilize equipment or structures that may move and complicate the situation.
    • How many patients are there?
  3. Take Control
    • Someone must take immediate control of the situation to calm and direct others responding to the accident.
    • Measures must be taken first to ensure a secondary accident does not occur, (for example warning/directing oncoming traffic).
    • Eliminate or control those hazards identified as hindering your ability to respond to the patient(s).
  4. Call Out for Help
    • Delegate someone to make the necessary calls and arrangements out from your location for support as needed and have them return to you with any updates and to assist.  If no one is available, you may have to provide initial “critical” first aid and leave your patient temporarily to obtain help yourself.
    • Have all patient and location information complete and ready.
    • Depending on your location, this is where it becomes critical knowing ahead of time whether there are 911 services within your area of operations or if you need a specific phone number.
  5. Take Action
    • Provide first aid only to your level of training and ability.
    • Priorities are the ABC’s, A - airway, B - breathing, C - circulation (bleeding).
    • Identify and evaluate other potential complications affecting treatment such as level of consciousness, spinal injuries, internal injuries, bleeding, cardiac etc.
    • Treat for shock. Continuously monitor for shock.  A patient that appears stable can easily and quickly slip into shock. Keep patients calm and warm and continually monitor ABC’s. If shock is a concern, transport.
    • Transport. Rapid transport is important and should be considered during initial patient assessment. The decision to transport will depend on your ability to move the patient without causing further complications, time, location, distance, weather, and other factors.
  6. Follow Up
    • Serious injuries must be reported to the Workers Compensation Board (WCB) within 72 hours. Toward identifying causes and preventing recurrence, immediately following the event as much information as possible must be collected and a thorough accident/incident investigation conducted.
    • Although personal details may be confidential, take the time to discuss the event with all employees as a learning opportunity and a fundamental step toward preventing recurrence.


Rohde & Liesenfeld employees are required to report immediately any fire (wildfire, equipment or structure), discovered within a forested area.  Whether started by company activities directly or fires of unknown origin, all fires must be reported.

  1. Recognize the Problem
    • What type of fire is burning? (wildfire, equipment fire, structure fire, chemical/fuel spill)
    • If it is a wildfire, is it burning in standing timber, slash, grass or a mixture of fuels?
    • The type of action taken on the fire will depend directly as to what type of fire it is “What’s Burning”?
  2. Evaluate the Hazards
    • Identify and evaluate any potential hazards or problems associated with actioning the fire.  Are there any power lines or fuel supplies? Will the wind and weather hinder fire’s action or control of the fire?
    • Identify any other potential losses of resources, structures or developments exposed to or threatened by the fire, such as standing timber, camps, recreation areas or commercial developments.  Are evacuations necessary?
  3. Take Control
    • Notify the immediate supervisor and the rest of the crew.
    • Communicate an ALL STOP of operations.
    • Identify what immediate and follow up resources are required.
    • Identify a SAFE ZONE from which to organize men and equipment.
    • Have immediate/on site resources brought to the scene.
  4. Call Out for Help
    • Delegate one person to contact  Sustainable Resource Development.
    • First call should be to the Provincial/state Fire Centre 
    • Depending on the situation and location, the local fire department may need to be called instead of or in addition to Sustainable Resource Development 
  5. Take Action
    • Immediate action must be taken toward controlling or suppressing the fire, but only to the crew’s level of ability.
    • Fire action should continue until ASRD, or another fire department arrives on site to take over.
    • Once outside resources arrive to take over the fire, your assistance may still be required.
    • Depending on the situation, your only course of action may be to coordinate an orderly evacuation of the area.
  6. Follow Up
    • Particularly where the fire was the result of a work related incident, a thorough investigation may be required in order to identify contributing factors and preventing recurrence. Consequently, as much information, documentation of actions and corresponding time should be collected.  Where it was not your incident but you discovered, reported and took initial action, this same information would be important to the agency following up.


  1. Recognize the Problem
    An overdue and/or lost person response may be considered when an individual has not returned:
  • as per communications to fellow workers, or
  • has not arrived to work or is not back as expected at camp, office or home
  1. Evaluate the Hazards
    • Hypothermia or hyperthermia is a reality and a big concern.
    • Lack of daylight is a threat to the search.
    • Bears or other wildlife.
    • How prepared is the individual (food, water, knowledge of survival).
    • Steps 1 and 2 are done quickly by assessing situation and asking a few questions.
  2. Take Control and Call for Help
    • The supervisor will take control and perform the following tasks:
      • If coming to or from work, worker should of had a predetermined route, as per journey management policy, this would be the first place to start looking.
      • If at work determine if other workers are in the area of last known location.
      • Form a rescue team(s) to look for lost person.
      • Notify main office of lost person and if deemed necessary the supervisor will advise RCMP and maintain communication throughout search.
  3. Take Action
    • A rescue team(s) should be dispatched to the last known location of the lost person.

Rescue Team:

  • Must have at least two individuals.
  • Given as much information about the situation (vehicle driven, when last seen, route taken, etc.) possible.
  • The supervisor will call 911 to alert the RCMP that the initial search is underway.
  • Will have a means of communication.
  • Will notify the supervisor as soon as the missing person is located.
  • If the lost person is not located in a reasonable amount of time, the RCMP and the local. “Search and Rescue Unit” may take over the search.
  1. Follow Up
    • If you have located the lost person, the supervisor will notify all search groups including the RCMP/police.
    • As with any incident, the objective is to prevent recurrence. An incident investigation must be conducted as soon as possible.  Once the incident is over all pertinent information must be collected together and a thorough investigation conducted that focuses on identifying both root causes and clear follow up act.


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