Working Alone Policy



Rohde & Liesenfeld Canada is committed to implementing a system to support eh safety and security of employees working alone.  Working alone in certain circumstances or environments maybe unsafe and requires special arrangements to minimize potential risk of injury. All Reasonably practical steps will be taken to reduce, eliminate or control identified and potential risks to workers who work alone. Communication is crucial in accounting for personnel working alone, to ensure their safety. Rohde & Liesenfeld Canada will provide all employees who are working alone an effect communication system; as per OH&S act 394(1) or have the worker working alone be visited at designated intervals. If the Worker is travelling along he/she will be required to follow Rohde & Liesenfeld Canada journey management plan.

OH&S 394(1) states:

An employer must, for any worker working alone provide an effective means of communication system consisting of:

  1. Radio Communication
  2. Landline or Cellular telephone communication, or
  3. Some other effective means od electronic communication that includes regular contact by employer or designate at intervals appropriate to the nature of the hazard associated with the workers work.

Roles and Responsibilities


  • Provide a health and safety program that has a working alone policy

Operations Manager

  • Ensure employees are orientated with the work alone procedure, hazard assessments, journey Management plan and safe work procedures.


  • Assess the worksite with the worker and take preventative measures that will eliminate or control the hazards
  • Provide an effective way of communicating with individuals who can respond immediately if there is an emergency or worker is injured or ill
  • Provide proper training and education to the employees
  • Discuss working alone plans with the worker

HSE Coordinator

  • Ensure that the work alone policy is implemented and meets OH&S standards
  • Ensure that all vehicles have first aid kits


  • Follow all polices implemented by Rohde & Liesenfeld Canada
  • Follow the journey management plan when travelling
  • Follow the work alone plans made with supervisor and if for some reason they have to change, let your supervisor know
  • Check in at the required intervals


Working Alone –  to work alone at work site in circumstances where assistance is not readily available in the event of an injury, illness or emergency

Readily Available-  The following three factors need to be assessed when determining id the assistance is “readily available”

  1. Awareness – will the other persons capable of providing assistance be aware of the workers needs?
  2. Willingness – Is it reasonable to expect that those other persons will provide helpful assistance
  3. Timelines – will assistance be provided within a reasonable period of time


If the worker is working alone, the supervisor and worker will determine the level of risk of the task through hazard assessments. Eliminate or control any hazards (see hazard assessment section in this manual). No worker will work alone if the work scope is a critical task. The worker will be provided with effective means of electronic communication and be expected to check with their supervisor on regular intervals, appropriate to the nature of the hazard associated with the workers work.  The higher the task risk, the more frequent the interval checks will be required.


A truck driver travelling alone down bush roads in the winter would be required to check in with his supervisor more often if he was doing the same task in the summer; this is due to environmental hazards (icy roads, snow storms, cold weather etc)

If the worker does not check in when he is suppose to or cannot be reached by radio the supervisor or another worker will be sent to check in on him/her

If effective means of electronic communication is not available the supervisor will ensure the worker is visited at designated intervals.

  • Ensure that the work alone policy is implemented and meets OH&S standards
  • Ensure that all vehicles have first aid kits


  • Follow all polices implemented by Rohde & Liesenfeld Canada
  • Follow the journey management plan when travelling
  • Follow the work alone plans made with supervisor and if for some reason they have to change, let your supervisor know
  • Check in at the required intervals


Working Alone – to work alone at work site in circumstances where assistance is not readily available in the event of an injury, illness or emergency

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2016-05-21 19:27:03 MDTWorking Alone Policy Uploaded by Michelle Bryan - [email protected] IP